Megerősítette az MVM hitelminősítését az S&P Global Ratings

Az S&P Global Ratings elvégezte az MVM hitelminősítésének szokásos éves felülvizsgálatát.
2024-06-28 13:06:49

There's a 98% chance of a global recession in 2023, research firm warns

Warning lights are flashing in the global economy as high inflation, drastic rate hikes and the war in Ukraine take their toll.
2022-09-30 17:07:19

There's a 98% chance of a global recession, research firm warns

Warning lights are flashing in the global economy as high inflation, drastic rate hikes and the war in Ukraine take their toll.
2022-09-29 03:08:04

Global economy faces 'its biggest test' since WWII

The global economy is being brought to the edge of a precipice by crisis upon crisis.
2022-05-23 17:07:18

A Portfolio gazdasági újságírót keres Globál divíziójába

A magyarországi gazdasági média vezető szereplője, a Portfolio, komoly szakmai ambíciókkal rendelkező gazdasági újságírót keres Globál divíziójába. Az ideális jelölt pályakezdő vagy néhány éves szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkezik.
2022-04-12 10:10:55

Why the global supply chain mess is getting so much worse

Problems with global supply chains were supposed to be getting better by now. Instead, experts say they are getting worse.
2022-03-30 20:30:53

2021 was 45th year in a row with a warmer-than-normal global temperature

The last 45 years have all been above the 20th century average for global temperature, new data shows, as Earth continues its relentless warming due to heat-trapping fossil fuel emissions.
2022-01-13 19:05:53

A tiny robot to plant seeds in the desert and a simple way to keep plastic out of the ocean: Global Grad Show looks to a greener future

The annual Global Grad Show in Dubai is never short on ideas. Some are bewildering, but others might just change the world.
2021-11-12 10:09:40

Biden's failing global Covid-19 response

Have we been duped? Just a few months ago, our organizations, Universities Allied for Essential Medicines and Health Global Access Project, celebrated President Joe Biden's support to temporarily waive intellectual property (IP) for Covid-19 vaccines. For a moment, we had hoped that this commitment to global solidarity would be the beginning of the end of this pandemic for everyone, everywhere. Now, with little effort spent to build support for this IP waiver, refusal to commit to the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General's plea for a moratorium on booster vaccinations until at leas...
2021-08-22 00:05:40

Joe Biden wants to overhaul global tax rules. Ireland stands in the way

One of President Joe Biden's priorities is a historic overhaul of global tax rules. The world's most powerful 20 economies are on board. But an island nation of 5 million people is standing in the way.
2021-07-20 11:05:54

Biden wins global support for massive corporate tax overhaul

The United States has won international backing for its plan to overhaul the global system for taxing companies, a huge step toward simplifying a complex web of rules long exploited by big corporations.
2021-07-01 20:05:47

Biden wants to set a global minimum tax. The G7 could provide a crucial boost

The Biden administration's ambitious plan to overhaul the global tax system is about to face a crucial test.
2021-06-04 10:05:42

World leaders are making progress on a huge global tax overhaul

For years, world leaders have been trying to launch a historic overhaul of global tax rules, aiming to tackle an unwieldy system rife with loopholes long exploited by big business. That goal may finally be in sight.
2021-04-07 19:05:40

Judge rules against Trump global media chief after firings

2020-11-21 23:08:12

Covid-19: China pushes for QR code based global travel system

QR codes - bar codes that can be read by mobile phones - have been used in China during the pandemic.
2020-11-23 06:06:57

Climate change: Covid pandemic has little impact on rise in CO2

Despite the global lockdowns, overall greenhouse gas concentrations have continued to rise.
2020-11-23 16:06:02

What Biden's new foreign policy team tells us

US foreign policy experts weigh in on what the new slate of top diplomats means for global affairs.
2020-11-24 02:06:19

Bár Orbán Viktor nem ajánlotta, ide-oda repkedtek ősszel a NER kedvenc magánrepülőgépével

Szeptemberben a Bombardier Global 6000 Nizzába és Zürichbe, októberben Bordeaux-ba, novemberben pedig Rijekába és Velencébe repült.
2020-11-24 12:06:12

Tracking the global pandemic: Where is it surging?

Key charts and maps explaining how the virus has spread around the world.
2020-11-25 11:06:17

Global push to end domestic violence, worse amid COVID-19

2020-11-25 14:05:53

Global Rail Wheel and Axle Industry

2020-11-25 15:06:02

'Global Britain' defends slashing aid budget

2020-11-26 15:06:00

The man who became Darth Vader - in body at least

Dave Prowse's career spanned 50 years, but it was his role as Darth Vader in Star Wars that brought him global fame.
2020-11-29 09:06:06

Már megint elhalasztották a Nokia 9.3 PureView 5G csúcsmobil bemutatóját

Nagyon rég nem tudja piacra dobni az új csúcsmobilját a HMD Global, a jelentések szerint talán majd 2021-ben sikerül.
2020-11-29 19:06:27

Gigantikus információszolgáltató vállalat jön létre

Az S&P Global 44 milliárd dollárért felvásárolja az IHS Markitot.
2020-11-30 13:06:32

Global Commercial Avionics Systems Industry

2020-11-30 16:06:00

Global Commercial Vehicle Run-flat Tire Inserts Industry

2020-11-30 16:06:00

Global Concrete Block and Brick Manufacturing Industry

2020-11-30 16:06:00

Spotify reveals 2020's most-streamed songs

The streaming giant reveals what its 320 million global listeners have been playing this year.
2020-12-01 11:05:59

Kína korlátozza a ritkaföldfémek exportját

December elsejétől életbe lépett a törvény, melyet Pekingben egyértelműen fegyvernek szánnak az USA-val folyó kereskedelmi háborúban. Egyelőre ennek nem lesz hatása az exportra - írja a pekingi Global Times, de ez változhat.
2020-12-01 18:06:05

Global Veterinary Infusion Pumps Industry

2020-12-21 15:07:37

Global Urinary Tract Infection Treatment Industry

2020-12-22 14:06:12

Global Urgent Care Center Industry

2020-12-22 15:07:46

Global Urinary Slings Industry

2020-12-22 15:07:47

Global Submarine Sensors Industry

2020-12-28 19:22:20

Global Surgical Drainage Devices Industry

2020-12-28 19:22:20

Global Sheet Membranes Industry

2020-12-30 13:07:06

Global Shoe Dryer Industry

2020-12-30 13:07:06

Global Silicone Additives Industry

2020-12-30 13:07:06

Breonna Taylor: Two officers linked to medic's death could be dismissed

Breonna Taylor was fatally shot in March in a raid gone wrong, sparking global outrage over racism.
2020-12-30 19:05:58

Why have global stock markets gone up this year?

Jobs around the world are being lost, but the global stock market is rising - what's going on?
2020-12-31 08:05:56

Why 2021 will be turning point for tackling climate change

Next year could be a "make or break" moment in the fight against global warming.
2021-01-01 02:06:00

Covid-19: How will the pandemic affect global health in 2021?

From Covid-19 to measles, Smitha Mundasad looks at the health issues facing the world this year.
2021-01-03 04:06:49

Slack kicks off 2021 with a global outage

2021-01-04 22:05:50


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